wetenschappelijke update december 2017

Wetenschappelijke update

Deze artikelen zijn gedurende de maand december 2017 op de facebook en linkedin pagina van Nexus geplaatst.


Optimising recovery in sport: psychological considerations http://www.aspetar.com/journal/viewarticle.aspx?id=181#.WkM743kiHIW

The effect of a single early high-dose vitamin D supplement on fracture union in patients with hypovitaminosis D http://bjj.boneandjoint.org.uk/content/99-B/11/1520.long



Clinical Practice Guideline for Physical Therapy Assessment and Treatment in Patients With Nonspecific Neck Pain https://academic.oup.com/ptj/advance-article-abstract/doi/10.1093/ptj/pzx118/4689128

Upper cervical and upper thoracic manipulation versus mobilization and exercise in patients with cervicogenic headache: a multi-center randomized clinical trial https://bmcmusculoskeletdisord.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12891-016-0912-3


High- vs Low-Dose Corticosteroid Injection in the Treatment of Adhesive Capsulitis with Severe Pain: A Randomized Controlled Double-Blind Study | Pain Medicine | Oxford Academic https://academic.oup.com/painmedicine/advance-article-abstract/doi/10.1093/pm/pnx227/4372254?redirectedFrom=fulltext

Early active rehabilitation after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair: a prospective randomized pilot studyClinical Rehabilitation http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0269215517694931

Alarmins in Frozen Shoulder: A Molecular Association Between Inflammation and Pain http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0363546517741127


Lage rug

Clinical classification in low back pain: best-evidence diagnostic rules based on systematic reviews https://bmcmusculoskeletdisord.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12891-017-1549-6

The transverse abdominal muscle is excessively active during active straight leg raising in pregnancy-related posterior pelvic girdle pain: an observational study https://bmcmusculoskeletdisord.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12891-017-1732-9



Neuromuscular training reduces lower limb injuries in elite female basketball players. A cluster randomized controlled trial http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/sms.13034/abstract?campaign=wolacceptedarticle

Evidence-based framework for a pathomechanical model of patellofemoral pain: 2017 patellofemoral pain consensus statement from the 4th International Patellofemoral Pain Research Retreat, Manchester, UK: part 3 http://bjsm.bmj.com/content/51/24/1713

Patellar Tendinopathy with Intra‐tendinous Alteration on MRI may be related to Patellofemoral Dysplasia http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/sms.13033/abstract?campaign=wolacceptedarticle

Diagnostic validity and triage concordance of a physiotherapist compared to physicians’ diagnoses for common knee disorders https://bmcmusculoskeletdisord.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12891-017-1799-3

20-Year Outcomes of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction With Hamstring Tendon Autograft: The Catastrophic Effect of Age and Posterior Tibial Slope http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0363546517741497

Voet en enkel

Practice patterns in the care of acute Achilles tendon ruptures is there an association with level I evidence? http://bjj.boneandjoint.org.uk/content/99-B/12/1629.long



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